Is it Spring yet?

Our household has been one of low energy and minor illness. We have traded colds back and forth, we don’t want to do much, and the ice on the ground just underneath the surface of the snow makes it treacherous to go outside. We enjoy winter time, just to be clear but I think we have had enough at this point. Boy… talk about a whiner. Anyways the weather was clear so the Cailleach was out gathering more firewood, which means more winter to come. That’s ok, we will hunker down, make more pots of soup, bundle up and await the coming of the green and the warmth.

I have been reading more and more, so thats probably a benefit of being stuck indoors. Sci-fi role playing games and Captain America comics because punching Nazis is always a good time. I will try and not get political in the comics or on the site but it is pretty dystopian out there right now and seems to be heading that way for a while. I have no sage advice, what I will be doing is my best to be the kind of person I would like to see in the world, to harbor a small light inside and keep imagination and freedom and happiness alive. Ok, I have to get off that topic before I write some sort of rebellion document.

The latest comic was fun, I don’t think I will do whole strips in that art style or that design but seeing what Lu & Dag imagine every once in a while is fun. I mentioned in the email notice(which you should subscribe to if you are not already) that I didn’t think those characters were my Spaceman Spiff, but I think there will be a whole series of alter egos as the story progresses. I know that when I was a kid I was someone different almost everyday.

Have a tolerable Wednesday, keep an eye out for warmer weather and thanks for reading folks. Enjoy the comics.




Imaginary Friends