Magic Potions
I have seen the idea floated from time to time that tea or soup or stew all should count as a magic potion and I can’t help but agree. A mixture of ingredients cooked often in a cauldron(large pot) stirred and watched over. Recipes followed from people long dead or sources unknown if you are adventurous. Some teas are designed to help one sleep, or heal you when feeling ill. Some to relieve, relax or even some to energize. Soups and stews can be warming, cooling, they can help when you have the flu, they can remind you of childhood.
Food in general has a sort of magic to it, and the preparation, the care, the service that goes into it I think can be felt by those who partake. We have feast days where we all know the meal is the real event and not some very vague thing that happened hundreds of years ago.
No coincidence that as I write this I am preparing dinner, just waiting on some rice and we are all set. Can’t rush rice.
I got to thinking about the meals and drinks that as a kid really stuck with me, the ones that counted as the most magical. It’s easy to think that means my favorite foods but I don’t think that’s the same. Or rather they were my favorite because of the magic in them, they were not made magic by being my favorite…. Clear as mud right? My great grandmothers fluffernutter sandwiches and sweet tea, they counted as magical. They would change my day, they made me feel loved, they carried part of her magic and I would give almost anything to be a kid sitting on her yard swing next to her with one of those sandwiches. My wife Jen makes me a specific type of cookie, those count as magical for many of the same reasons as well as a few that are special to just her. Snack Trays with my grandfather. He would arrange all manner of small foods on a plate and we would eat them as if they were fancy. Vienna Sausages never got so much love as when they were on those plates. I don’t think I could eat one now but then, they carried magic with them.
So I’m off to finish dinner and will try to infuse leftovers with the magic they deserve. Short blog this week. Its January, we must rest and recuperate. Enjoy the comics, subscribe to the newsletter. Thanks for reading everyone.