
This time of year for me brings a major lull in ambition and progress. With the holiday season as the end of the year I always look forward to this time of the new year when all of the plans and events have come to fruition and I can finally take a breath. But really what happens is during the holiday season is I think “oh man I have no time to do anything” and then after the holiday season it changes to “oh man I don’t want to do anything”.

So what am I doing, what am I working on? What is on the horizon? I am taking a class on comic drawing and have been pretty hard core into comics lately. I have been brainstorming what and how to add to the site. When I want to launch the store section, what type of new art or fan art I want to publish. I am chock full of ideas but as I mentioned this time of year it becomes a battle against the want/need to hibernate and recharge.

Lu & Dag is coming along well, hopefully it is being received the same. Last Sundays strip was pulled from something that happened with my kids when they were in elementary school. In addition to the Lu & Dag strip I have another idea for an ongoing story that is based off of a solo RPG. Still black and white but think Vikings rather than kid with his imaginary(?) friend.

I should add some forum of some sort or maybe a contact me button or comments perhaps so that if anyone is reading any of this and would like to throw their 2 cents in they have the opportunity.

Thanks for reading, for checking in. Enjoy the comics and the art, look for more on the horizon.


Summer of 86


Musings in the cold