The Home Stretch

The website goes live tomorrow, and to be honest I am 2 days late on this blog post. I have been busy though getting some of the older Lu & Dag comics ready for the site. To be clear, Lu & Dag is not meant to be fully linear, most strips are fully encapsulated but every once in a while I will do a story line or a to be continued or whatever feels right. My art style on the character will change from time to time and the strip is growing and evolving just as much as my perception and ability to create it. I hope it’s an enjoyable and some what cohesive ride but really the strip is for me more than anyone. I am practicing telling stories, practicing the art of making a comic and it is an art. I know I have a lot to learn but hopefully its entertaining along the way if there is anyone out there that is riding along.

So this week in addition to launching the site and getting the last few things ready for the strip we are also celebrating Yule, tomorrow to be exact. Lot’s of food, gifts, family and friends. We love this time of year and all the joy it brings us. I hope everyone or anyone that ever reads this can find some joy in whatever measure and flavor they prefer.

Short post I know, but I have alot to do before tomorrow.


Happy Holidays


Echoes of yesteryear