The Feast of Jupiter
I am writing this a day earlier than my normal blog schedule due to the events we have going on this week. Thursday will be the day of feasting, 4th Thursday in November… Reframing it from what we grew up calling it though because the original story feels a bit gross. Also for a harvest festival its about a month later than it should be, so we are going with Feast of Jupiter for a number of reasons. Jupiter rules Sagittarius which starts in November, Jupiter rules the number 4 and Thursdays. Cornucopias, abundance, plenty. So yeah we are not celebrating people that came to a new land unprepared, received help then turned around and worked to eradicate the native people. Our house goes pretty hard this time of year, pretty much from Samhain to New Years. Decorations, feast days, movie nights, all manner of foods and drinks. It feels like the busiest time of year for sure. I just finished cleaning my office, clearing my art desk of my last project. Partly because it needed it but also I had some bad vibrations, grumpy and just not in the right frame of mind. Cleaning up my space helped clear the vibe. Once that was done I found my motivation again and here I am.
On the art front I am working on Lu & Dag every week, I have been playing in my sketchbook daily and getting a watermark built so I can start to fill in my Gallery here on the site. I will probably do some sketchbook tours at some point, maybe even back to the beginning to take a look at progress. We shall see, I will have to be ok with feeling pretty vulnerable to go all the way back. Ideally I will be working on both digital work, physical stuff and creating stickers and comics all at the same time. Jupiter rules abundance and plenty right?
This will not be public for probably another 3 weeks but I am hoping everyone that celebrates this week enjoys their friends and family, is thankful for what they have and hopeful for what is to come in the next year. For me, I am going to enjoy my time with my kids, their people and my grandson. I will have a large plate of turkey, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole and probably more pie than is suggested in a single sitting.